No-Fault / Personal Injury Protection

The emergence of the billion-dollar-per-year No-Fault / Personal Injury Protection fraud industry has created one of the most significant challenges for both our clients and the insurance industry at large.

In addition to paying legitimate claims, the time, energy, and resources required to successfully identify, investigate, and eliminate insurance fraud requires insurers to develop and implement efficient and cost-effective methods to meet this challenge.

At KTM, we recognize this challenge, and have committed ourselves to being a strategic partner in our clients’ fight against insurance fraud. Part of this partnership includes offering sound, cost-effective legal advice, and delivering positive and measurable results with respect to both claims handling and litigation. In the context of No-Fault/Personal Injury Protection claims and litigation, we offer a broad range of legal services, including:

  • Examinations under oath
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Defense of No-Fault/Personal Injury Protection lawsuits
  • Affirmative recovery lawsuits and declaratory judgment actions
  • Claims handling and risk management strategies
  • Negotiation of healthcare provider reimbursement rates

Whether involving “medical mills,” “doc-in-the-box” schemes, upcoding and excessive billing, staged accidents, unlawful treatment, arsons, fraudulent property claims, or other wrongdoing associated with insurance claims, KTM strives to develop practical solutions and to deliver superior legal services that make a positive impact on each client’s bottom line.